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Your path to healing and growth begins here. Discover personalized therapy services in Penticton in-person and virtually throughout BC;  tailored to your needs. Let us support you on your journey to a happier, healthier life.

Trauma Informed Therapy
Focused Family Therapy

Attachment-Based Therapy

Attachment-Based Therapy emphasizes the significance of early relationships in shaping an individual's emotional and psychological well-being.


This therapeutic model recognizes the impact of early caregiver-child relationships on an individual's ability to form and maintain healthy connections throughout life.

Key Principles of Attachment-Based Therapy:

Exploration of Attachment Patterns:

Our counsellors help clients explore their unique attachment patterns, identifying how early experiences may influence current relationships. By understanding these patterns, individuals gain insight into their emotional responses and learn to create healthier connections.

Creating a Safe Therapeutic Relationship:

At the core of ABT is the establishment of a secure and trusting therapeutic relationship. Our therapists provide a safe space where clients can openly express their thoughts and feelings, fostering a sense of security crucial for healing.

Emotional Regulation and Communication Skills:

ABT focuses on enhancing emotional regulation and improving communication skills. Clients learn to identify and express their needs effectively, promoting healthier interactions with others.

Mindfulness and Present-Moment Awareness:

Integrating mindfulness techniques, our therapists guide clients to cultivate present-moment awareness. This helps individuals break free from past attachment-related challenges and build connections based on the here and now.

Promoting Autonomy and Interdependence:

ABT aims to strike a balance between autonomy and interdependence. Clients learn to maintain a sense of self while actively engaging in meaningful connections, fostering resilience and adaptability.

Discover the transformative potential of Attachment-Based Therapy, an approach designed to empower individuals in cultivating secure attachments and enhancing their capacity for healthy relationships.


At South Okanagan Counselling, our dedicated team specializes in providing attachment-based therapy, guiding you to explore your unique attachment patterns and equipping you with the essential skills for thriving.

Emotionally Focused Family Therapy (EFFT)

Developed to nurture secure attachments and redefine negative interaction patterns within families, EFFT focuses on restructuring parent-child dynamics and cultivating a sense of security through meaningful connections. This approach, rooted in attachment science, aims to guide families through developmental changes and life challenges, fostering new patterns of communication and responsiveness.


The focus in EFFT is on the pattern, not individuals, helping foster a collaborative approach. Therapists intervene to interrupt negative patterns, creating a safe space for families to share feelings.


Unlike traditional communication skills training, EFFT prioritizes choreographing new emotional experiences that naturally improve communication as families develop healthier patterns.


Families can expect hard work and occasional exhaustion during sessions, but the reward lies in the relief from newfound emotional connections and understanding within the family unit.

Benefits of EFFT:


Expand Awareness of Unacknowledged Feelings:

EFFT seeks to increase awareness of unacknowledged emotions associated with negative family patterns, fostering a deeper understanding of the family dynamic.


Reframe Family Distress:

By reframing family distress within the context of relationship blocks, EFFT helps families identify and address the root causes of their challenges.


Access Caregiving Intentions:

EFFT promotes awareness of underlying caregiving intentions and assists in recognizing and addressing disowned attachment-related needs.


Facilitate Sharing of Unmet Attachment Needs:

Through the therapeutic process, EFFT encourages families to share unmet attachment needs and cultivate effective caregiving responses, strengthening bonds

Senior Portrait

Trauma-Informed Counselling


Trauma-informed counselling is a therapeutic approach that goes beyond traditional methods by acknowledging the widespread prevalence of trauma in individuals' lives.


This counselling modality is rooted in understanding the effects of trauma on both the mind and body, creating a safe and supportive environment for clients to explore and process their experiences. Our trauma-informed therapists are dedicated to fostering a sense of safety, trust, and collaboration, ensuring that each individual's unique needs are met with sensitivity and empathy.


Benefits of Trauma-Informed Counselling


Empowerment and Collaboration:

Trauma-informed counselling empowers individuals by involving them in the decision-making process. Clients collaborate with their therapists to set goals, explore coping mechanisms, and navigate the path to recovery.


Understanding Triggers:

Our counsellors are trained to recognize and understand potential triggers, helping clients develop strategies to manage and overcome challenges related to trauma.


Holistic Approach:

Trauma affects various aspects of life, and our counselling approach addresses the interconnectedness of emotional, physical, and mental well-being. We consider the whole person in the healing process.


Cultivating Resilience:

Through trauma-informed care, individuals build resilience and coping skills, fostering the ability to navigate life's challenges with strength and self-assurance.



If you or someone you care about has experienced trauma, our Trauma-Informed Counselling services are here to provide support and understanding.


Take the first step towards healing by scheduling a consultation with our expert therapists. Together, we'll navigate the path to recovery, empowering you to reclaim control over your life.

Person-Centered Therapy

This approach is grounded in the profound belief of "unconditional positive regard" (Carl Rogers ,1956), asserting that individuals are inherently good and capable of positive change when provided with the right conditions. Our dedicated therapists strive to cultivate relationships infused with unconditional positive regard, fostering an environment where clients can internalize acceptance and perceive themselves in a positive light.

Person-centred therapy holds that humans possess an innate capacity for growth and change. Creating a warm and supportive therapeutic environment becomes paramount to maximizing this potential.  Therapists prioritize the development of a trusting relationship characterized by compassion and support. Rather than imposing their own agendas, Person-Centred therapists fully engage with the client's subjective experience, honouring their worldview, beliefs, values, and desires.


Take the Step Towards Personal Growth

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and positive transformation with Person-Centred Therapy. If you are seeking a therapeutic approach that honours your unique identity and promotes genuine growth, our dedicated team is here to support you. Take the first step towards a more fulfilling life by choosing Person-Centred Therapy with us. Your journey to self-empowerment starts here.

Female Patient
Person Centered Therapy

Play Therapy

Play serves as a crucial avenue for children to construct meaning, process experiences, and acquire insights about themselves and their surroundings. Inherent in their nature, children express themselves spontaneously through play, transcending the limitations of verbal communication. Play therapy is designed to leverage these innate capacities for healing, enabling children to navigate both conscious and unconscious struggles while enhancing their problem-solving skills.


Play therapists integrate an understanding of developmental stages, attachment, and the unique needs of each child into their therapeutic approach. Sessions are characterized by a warm, non-judgmental, and curious atmosphere, fostering a sense of safety that encourages children to explore their emotions.


Children are prompted to express themselves freely by using various materials such as toys, sand trays, games, and art supplies. Skilled therapists attentively interpret the messages conveyed through play, gaining insights into the child's experiences, challenges, self-perception, and relationships.


Play therapy provides children with a sense of control, especially in situations where they might otherwise feel powerless. Therapists observe the child's play, noting their toy choices and recurring themes that unveil meaningful aspects of the child's inner world. This empowering process allows children to establish control, fostering an environment where appropriate boundaries and positive social interactions are modeled through the therapeutic relationship.

Play Therapy

Strength-Based Therapy

What is Strength-Based Therapy?


Strength-Based Therapy is a revolutionary approach that shifts the traditional focus of therapy from deficits and weaknesses to your inherent strengths and abilities. It operates on the belief that every individual possesses unique strengths, skills, and resources that can be utilized to overcome obstacles and achieve personal growth.


Key Features of Strength-Based Therapy:

​1. Empowerment:

Instead of dwelling on problems, Strength-Based Therapy empowers you to recognize and leverage your strengths to navigate life's challenges confidently.


2. Positive Reinforcement:

This approach emphasizes positive reinforcement, highlighting your achievements and successes to boost self-esteem and motivation.


3. Solution-Oriented:

Rather than dwelling on past traumas or shortcomings, Strength-Based Therapy encourages a forward-focused mindset, exploring solutions and strategies to create a more fulfilling future.


4. Collaborative Approach:

Therapists work collaboratively with you to identify and harness your strengths, fostering a strong therapeutic alliance built on trust and respect.


5. Holistic Perspective:

Strength-Based Therapy considers all aspects of your life, including relationships, work, hobbies, and personal interests, to uncover and maximize your potential for growth and resilience.


Embark on a transformative journey towards self-discovery and empowerment with Strength-Based Therapy. Embrace your strengths, unlock your potential, and live a more fulfilling life. Try our  Strength-Based Therapy today and take the first step towards a brighter future!

Professional Young Woman

Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT)

REBT focuses on the pivotal role of thoughts and beliefs in generating and perpetuating distress. Ellis proposed that individuals contribute to their own suffering by adopting self-limiting beliefs, and by reframing these beliefs, one can foster more constructive functioning. Thus, not events themselves cause distress, but rather the interpretations we attach to them.



REBT emphasizes the cognitive dimensions of dysfunction and employs thought processes as a conduit for positive change. It employs an A-B-C model to elucidate functioning: Adversities (A) hinder functioning, leading to Beliefs (B) about oneself and limitations, resulting in Consequences (C). These consequences may manifest as negative self-perceptions, maladaptive coping mechanisms, and overall diminished functioning. Conversely, adopting positive and life-affirming beliefs can yield benefits such as increased vitality, healthier coping mechanisms, and enhanced self-assurance.



In REBT, therapy frequently involves challenging self-imposed restrictive beliefs and entrenched cognitive patterns. Extreme or absolutist beliefs, often characterized by words like “must,” “should,” “always,” or “never,” are identified and disputed, fostering more nuanced and rational belief systems.

Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy

Narrative Therapy

Narrative Therapy proposes that individuals often internalize their struggles to the extent that these problems become inseparable from their identity, leading to distress. In this therapeutic approach, problems are externalized and conceptualized as 'stories,' allowing opportunities for these narratives to be rewritten in more empowering or conducive ways to well-being.

Narrative therapy endeavors to raise consciousness regarding how societal discourse shapes perceptions and acknowledges the impact of systemic issues such as power dynamics and oppression on individuals' well-being.



Narrative therapy challenges the notion of an objective reality, asserting that reality is intricately linked to the societal contexts in which it arises. An individual's historical, geographical, and cultural backdrop influences the values, norms, and beliefs they internalize, often imposing limitations. Because reality is socially constructed, it can be deconstructed and re-examined, paving the way for developing alternative perspectives conducive to well-being.



Narrative therapists guide clients in the process of recounting and reshaping their narratives, fostering the creation of alternative stories and separating problems from one's sense of self. By highlighting individuals' existing capacities and strengths, often unrecognized, narrative therapy assists in coping with personal struggles more effectively.

Narrative Therapy
Happy Couple

Gottman Couples Therapy

Gottman Couples Therapy utilizes data from everyday interactions between real partners and identifies key predictors of relationship success. Central to Gottman's approach is cultivating friendship as the bedrock of a healthy relationship, coupled with techniques to enhance conflict management skills.



John Gottman's research revealed that thriving couples exhibit traits such as mutual influence, attentiveness to each other's needs, and a positive outlook during interactions. This theory underscores the significance of fostering a robust foundation of friendship in relationships. Conversely, couples destined for dissolution often exhibit behaviours like contempt, criticism, stonewalling, and defensiveness, referred to as the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse." To assist struggling couples in rekindling intimacy, Gottman facilitates the adoption of new, more constructive interaction patterns while nurturing friendship and mutual understanding.



Central to Gottman Couples Therapy is the cultivation of friendship. Activities like creating "love maps" and responding positively to bids for connection serve to strengthen the relationship's foundation. Couples learn effective conflict management strategies without sacrificing a positive perspective. Rather than avoiding conflict entirely, the focus is on navigating disagreements in a manner that preserves the relationship and fosters repair when necessary. The bond between partners is further fortified through the exploration of shared life dreams and the creation of mutual meaning.

Gottman Couples Therapy
Existential Therapy

Existential Therapy

Existential Therapy stems from the philosophical insights of thinkers like Heidegger, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche. It delves into the essence of human existence, aiming to illuminate how individuals grapple with fundamental themes such as meaning, connection, mortality, and freedom. Existential therapy acknowledges suffering as an inherent aspect of life but emphasizes the importance of choice in how individuals navigate their circumstances and struggles.



Existential therapy posits that all individuals confront existential concerns, including the quest for meaning, the tension between isolation and connection, the awareness of mortality, and the interplay of freedom and responsibility. Anxiety arising from these existential themes often prompts defensive responses that offer temporary relief but hinder deeper exploration of one's existence and the creation of personal meaning. Recognizing humans as fundamentally autonomous, existentialism underscores the capacity for choice in individuals' engagement with life's challenges. Individuals can cultivate a greater sense of agency and purpose by confronting and integrating universal existential themes.



In existential therapy, therapists refrain from assuming an expert role and avoid imposing their own perspectives on clients. Instead of dispensing advice, therapists facilitate clients' exploration of their internal resources to uncover meaning and purpose. The therapeutic process emphasizes deep engagement with the client's subjective experience, focusing on the present moment to illuminate all facets of their lived experience. Through heightened self-awareness and a deeper understanding of their existence, clients are empowered to make meaning of their lives on their own terms.

Enjoying the Nature

Somatic Therapy

Somatic Therapy is a holistic therapeutic approach that recognizes the profound connection between the mind and body. Somatic Experiencing Therapy was developed by Dr. Peter Levine, which explores the way our bodies hold and process stress, trauma, and emotional experiences. Unlike traditional forms of counseling that focus solely on verbal communication, Somatic Experience acknowledges the vital role the body plays in our overall well-being.

Several of our therapists within SOC are trained in Somatic Experience therapy. Understanding that the body has an innate ability to heal itself when given the right tools and support. Through guided sessions with our experienced therapists, you will learn to tune into the physical sensations associated with your emotions. By exploring and understanding these sensations, you can release trapped energy and promote the natural healing process.

The Benefits of Somatic Therapy

1. Release Trauma at the Root: Somatic Experience provides a unique opportunity to address and release trauma at its source. By focusing on bodily sensations, individuals can gradually unravel and process deeply held emotions, leading to lasting healing.

2. Enhanced Mind-Body Connection: Clients often report a heightened awareness of their mind-body connection, fostering a greater sense of self-awareness and self-regulation. This increased connection can lead to improved emotional resilience and overall well-being.

3. Reduced Physical Symptoms: Many individuals carrying the weight of unresolved trauma or stress may
experience physical symptoms such as chronic pain, tension, or fatigue. Somatic Experience has been
shown to alleviate these symptoms by addressing the underlying emotional causes.

4. Empowerment Through Self-Discovery: Somatic Experience empowers individuals to become active
participants in their healing journey. Clients gain valuable tools to navigate life's challenges with resilience and strength by cultivating a deeper understanding of their bodies and emotions.

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing through Somatic Experience. Our skilled therapists are dedicated to providing a safe and nurturing environment for your growth. Take the first step towards a more balanced and fulfilling life by incorporating Somatic Experience into your counselling journey.

Dancing in Park
Upper body photoshoot

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

What is ACT?
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), developed by Stephen C. Hayes, is an innovative therapeutic
approach that places a central focus on values, serving as guiding principles that influence individuals in their life
choices. ACT aims to foster values-based living by embracing mindfulness as a crucial tool.

ACT therapy recognizes that repetitive negative thoughts contribute significantly to distress, and its goal is to help
individuals separate their identity from their thoughts and feelings. Instead, the emphasis is on committing to a life
aligned with one's values as a guiding principle for decision-making.

ACT encourages clients to shift from suppressing emotions to accepting and working through them.
The therapeutic process is experiential, involving engaging in activities during sessions rather than merely
discussing problems. Mindfulness plays a pivotal role in ACT, expanding individuals' capacity to navigate
uncomfortable emotions. Clients are actively supported in identifying their core values and encouraged to pursue
committed actions that align with those values and aspirations.

ACT has demonstrated effectiveness in addressing various mental health challenges, including generalized anxiety, social anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), chronic pain, and substance use. Its holistic approach, combining mindfulness and values-driven living, makes ACT a versatile and impactful therapy for individuals seeking positive transformation and well-being.

somatic therapy
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Morning Coffee

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

What is CBT?


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a proven therapeutic approach designed to alleviate distress and enhance functional abilities. It employs evidence-based techniques to help individuals examine and modify their thought patterns and behaviours, thereby influencing their emotional well-being. This therapeutic method operates on the premise that our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours are interconnected. Negative thought patterns can give rise to detrimental emotions and actions, forming a cycle that perpetuates the initial issue.


CBT equips individuals with tools to manage challenging situations and emotions effectively. Regular home practice is an integral component of cognitive behavioural therapy, contributing to its overall effectiveness.


CBT is particularly effective in addressing various issues, including PTSD, depression, anxiety, chronic pain, self-esteem, relationship problems, disordered eating, anger management, substance abuse, and sleeping difficulties.


The therapeutic process involves a collaborative effort between the therapist and the client. Together, they work to identify existing thought patterns and actively challenge them using evidence, leading to positive changes in feelings and behaviours. Clients play an active role in the process, often engaging in homework assignments or behavioural experiments between sessions.

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