Call/Text: 250-486-3008

Effective June 15, I will be resuming in-person counselling sessions at my Summerland office location. Virtual & telephonic sessions will remain available for those who do not feel comfortable with in-person sessions yet.
Below you will find a detailed description of my safety protocols and what to expect when you arrive at the office.
If you have any questions, please do not hestitate to contact me directly.
"Be Kind. Be Calm. Be Safe" ~ Dr. Bonnie Henry
Your health and safety are of the utmost importance to me. During the COVID19 pandemic I have implemented the following Safety Plan, office protocols, and policies for your safety and for my own, in accordance with WorkSafe BC protocols for in-person counselling and public health requirements and guidelines.
COVID Pre-Screening Guidelines:
Please do not enter the office if you are displaying any of these symptoms:
Fever, chills, new or worsening cough, shortness of breath, new muscle aches or headaches, sore throat
If you or someone in your household has travelled outside of Canada within the last 14 days
If you are a close contact of a person who tested positive for COVID-19
Cancelling Sessions, Types of Sessions, Session Booking:
If you need to cancel due to symptoms cancellation fees are waived. If you arrive in office and you are showing symptoms, your session will be cancelled immediately, and you will be charged a cancellation fee.
If your symptoms are relatively mild and you feel well enough to conduct a session, you will be given the option of changing the appointment to a virtual session (phone or secure video).
If I have symptoms I will call and cancel your sessions and offer to rebook when it is safe to do so.
Virtual sessions (phone or secure video) continue to be an option and I ask that only clients who believe they are low-risk attend in-person sessions.
Clients must complete the COVID pre-screening guidelines prior to each session (see below)
All in-person sessions will require a signed “Informed Consent for In-Person Services during the Covid-19 Public Health Crisis” document that will be available at the session.
The number of in-office sessions daily has been reduced with time between sessions for disinfecting.
Please arrive no earlier than 5 minutes before your session. Upon arrival, please wait in your vehicle and call/text me at 250-487-9119. I will let you meet you at the front door and let you in (this is to help minimize contact with high touch areas such as door handles).
Safety Policies and Protocols:
Please use the hand sanitizer provided upon entering the office space
All occupants must maintain a physical distance of at least two metres/six feet
All occupants, including clients and staff will adhere to the “Help Prevent the Spread of COVID-19” poster
Please follow posted occupancy limits
As we are practicing recommended physical distancing measures, we will not be requiring the use of masks in office at this time; however, if you’d like to wear a mask, we ask that you place it on prior to entering the office
If masks become mandatory by order of health authorities I will inform clients
Office Cleaning and Sanitation Procedures:
All doorknobs, handles, furniture, and commonly touched surfaces will be wiped down between client sessions and frequently throughout the day with COVID approved medical grade wipes or disinfectant.
The shared washroom is disinfected by practitioners between clients. Soap and paper towels are regularly replenished. Clients and staff are required to wash their hands (minimum 20 seconds)
Disposable cups, bottled water, and individual tissue packages are available
The office will keep updated on any changes to the COVID 19 situation as indicated by our BC Provincial Health Officer and WorkSafe BC. Decisions to remain open will be guided by this source.
Thank you very much for working together to keep us all safe!
Prior to each in-person session the following questionnaire must be completed & signed.
In the past 7 days, have you experienced any of the following: Fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, flu-like symptoms?
__ Y __ N
In the past 14 days, have you travelled outside of Canada? __ Y __ N
Are you waiting for the results of a laboratory test for COVID-19? __ Y __ N
Have you been asked to self-isolate by a governmental agency? __ Y __ N
In the last 14 days, have you or anyone you have come into contact with tested positive for COVID-19? __ Y __ N